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[Rope Course] - The black course of Vanciaventure

Are you ready to rise to the challenge?

In 2021, we have built the 4th park extension in the Vanciaventure fortress. Located in the ramparts, this course with a high level of difficulty, allows you to cross the pit thanks to the various challenges set up:

  • Via ferrata
  • Beam plates
  • Spider net
  • Chimney ladders
  • CHALLENGES COURSEVanciaventure, France
  • CHIMNEY LADDERSVanciaventure, France
  • COURSEVanciaventure, France
  • SPIDER NETVanciaventure, France

A tailor-made offer

Our engineering team has produced a tailor-made course. Working with CAD software and 3D visualisation, the technical departement have created and customized design.


If you want to know more about the park, go to their website:

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