Nuestras actualidades

Actualités Hay 558 dias


With more than 20 years of construction experience, we have acquired valuable know-how to design rope courses optimized for users but also for the operators.

Amazone Adventure expertise serving:



The project is always considered in its entirety, taking into account: use, monitoring, maintenance.

An improved user experience


The ZAZA 2 lifeline from Coudou Pro is a continuous hook-type lifeline. Also the direction of installation of the plates is very important so that the passage of the hooks is done without having to turn it over.

In a classic rope course, the positioning of the lifeline is simply done by choosing a “side” of the tree.

On a 'rampart' route, the challenges go back and forth. The lifeline is therefore found once to the right and once to the left of the practitioner, requiring the hook to be returned each time there and back.

We therefore imagined a specific platform allowing the lifeline to be kept on one side only and thus facilitate progression..


Results :

  • more fluidity on the routes,
  • better customer experience,
  • less operator intervention following stuck users.

More games

With 9 courses, we had to imagine new challenges in order to adapt to the site and bring diversity.

Optimized monitoring

Safety requires above all monitoring of the course (and a good explanation of the instructions). This is why we work in agreement with the park manager to facilitate the monitoring work..

Thus, we have designed a platform between the blue and green ramparts courses which allows an operator to monitor the two courses in a same point. This platform overlooks the rampart and allows a wide view of all the games.

This platform can also serve as an observation point for non-practicing companions.


Facilitating the work of operators with several advantages:

  • facilitate exchanges with users, and therefore improve overall user satisfaction,
  • be more reactiv in case of an accident,
  • reduce the number of operators (and therefore operating costs) with optimization of surveillance areas.

More info 

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