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Our artificial construction at Les Rochers de Maguelone !

We are proud to announce the end of the renovations concerning our new artificial rope course at Les Rochers de Maguelone !

  • Les Rochers de Maguelone
  • Les Rochers de MagueloneArtificial poles

Return on this atypical project

On February 2018, the Maguelone site was severely damaged by snow carrying trees and some of the challenges. The main goal here was to find a sustainable, aesthetic and well integrated solution in the site while facing different constraints :

  • High density of the forest,
  • Impossible to enter the work site with large gears / trucks,
  • Avoid any concrete fundation to protect the root system of three century-old trees.

To respond quickly to the needs of our client, we opted for the following solutions :

  • Heliporting that allowed us to transport the artificial poles of 6 and 10 meters long on the site and install them immediately,
  • Foundation screw anchored directly into the ground.

This innovative method has been surprising thanks to its effectiveness and allowed us to respect our commitments.

Contact details of the park :



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