Nuestras actualidades

Actualités Hay 2101 dias

New "Bois des Lutins" in Diémoz !

Here we are ! After one month of hard work, we are happy to present you the new "Bois des Lutins" of Diémoz located to the east of Lyon !

The ''Bois des Lutins'' of Diémoz include...

  • A net and tree house course,
  • Viewing platforms,
  • Toboggans,
  • Sea nets,
  • A spider net,
  • Ground based activities with: Troll's village, inflatables...

And of course, the unique scenography of the "Bois des Lutins" that will make dream both young and old...

  • Tree's house village and spider netLe Bois des Lutins, Diémoz, France
  • Yellow sea netsLe Bois des Lutins, Diémoz, France
  • Big sea nets with tobogganLe Bois des Lutins, Diémoz, France
  • Le Bois des Lutins, Diémoz, France

While waiting for the opening of the park on June 22nd, go to the website and on the facebook page to make sure you don't miss anything !

Contact details of the park :

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