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Actualités Hay 1849 dias

WOWpark is mentioned by The Guardian!!

The Guardian published an article regarding the 20 of the best no-fly family holidays in Europe and there is ou last construction in Denmark: WOWpark!!

"With its beaches, creative restaurants, art galleries and Viking museums, Jutland has plenty to recommend it, plus, this summer, two new nature-themed parks. Naturkraft – “the world’s first sustainability theme park” – is due to open on 50 hectares of former seabed in West Jutland in July, with exhibitions, a forest garden, maze, ziplines and hands-on activities to encourage sustainable living. And Wow Park, a forest activity park near Billund, is set to open in May, with treehouses, hidden huts and giant walkways across a 28-acre forest. Near there in Horsens, the Jorgensens Hotel is a newly revamped 1700s palace with rough luxe rooms."

  • WOWpark, DenmarkCrossing Net
  • WOWpark, DenmarkSea Net
  • WOWpark, DenmarkSpider Net

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