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Kids paradise

Who hasn't dreamed of having a Treehouse? The Community of Corsica has made this dream accessible to all the children of Corrano City !

A tailor-made Tree House

It was in Corsica that we set up our first hut 100% compliant with the Playground standard (EN1176 standard 'Playground Equipment').

This standard is much more restrictive than the PAH standard and requires special attention to jamming and falling areas

We have designed a tree house that adapts to the lay of the land. This hut is accessible via a net chimney made of wired rope. A stainless steel slide leads to the ground.

Perched 2.5 m above the ground, the tree house is totally perched. It does not need pilottis or other support. This leaves a large play area on the ground.

Openings are created in the walls to let in light and so that children can see outside.

Decorative elements have been added to personalize the cabin and participate in the magic of the place.

  • Playground Tree House Corrano, Corsica France
  • Playground Tree House - InteriorCorrano, Corsica France
  • Playground Tree House Corrano, Corsica France

More information about our kids offer : here

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