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In order to revitalize the territory of Taravo, the Community of Corsica has launched several tourist development projects. Amazone Adventure has been selected for the Giant Wood building following the discovery trail of 'The Enchanted Forest'

An unique Wooden Giant

The community of Corsica wanted to highlight a character from local folklore 'Antonu'.

The story of this character is told throughout the discovery trail which ends in front of this monumental wooden sculpture more than 4 meters high.

It is from a drawing provided by the community that we imagined the design of the future giant.

We took the color codes and transcribed the expression of the young prince.




A first sketch stage is carried out in order to have the project validated by the project leader.

A technical study is then launched using 3D design software to design the structure and determine the required flow rates.

The giant is then handcrafted by our team of carpenters. The sculpture is entirely made of wood.

The cladding is made of acacia (locust). This choice ensures longevity and resistance to the construction.

A color finish makes it possible to stick closely to the initial design.

On-site installation is done in several steps.

The giant is anchored to the ground thanks to the pile technique in order to limit the impact of our intervention on the natural site.

The giant is then assembled limb by limb. Finishing touches are made once the giant is in place.

A Playground with a Tree House has also been set up near the Giant.

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