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New Elven Woods in St Petersburg - Russia

Discover our new creation in St Petersburg (Russia):

  • Discover the hidden world of elves, in eight cabins perched high in the treetops!
  • Be careful not to wake up the gnomes in the musical treehouse!
  • Do you want to jump into the fairy world? Try our sea of nets!
  • Glide from one tree to another on a zipline
  • Reach new heights with our spider net, with several stories waiting for you in the treetops
  • From our nest swings, reach into the magical wold of fairies

*** This new park began welcoming guests in August***

  • The rolling basketSaint Petersbourg, Russia
  • Sea netSaint Petersbourg, Russia
  • Tree house courseSaint Petersbourg, Russia
  • Net SpiderSaint Petersbourg, Russia

Come on the page :

All our achievements : Our Achievements

What is a The elven woods ? : The elven woods

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