Nuestras actualidades

Actualités Hay 2533 dias

Tailored solutions

Auto belay system change


Defi Nature, a French Adventure Park has benefited from our experience to equip all its courses with the continous belay system ZAZA of Coudou Pro.

In agreement with the park manager, the work took place over 3 years to allow the manager to spread his investment over several seasons. In fact, we worked with his team of assemblers to limit costs.

Amazone Adventure has installed the continuous bealy system, the team of Défi Nature has done the adaptation work of the challenges.



Several Frenches parks have appealed to us following the damage caused by the storms of the beginning of the year.

In the Chateau des Défis at Flekenstein, as in Accroroc, Amazone Adventure team has refurbished the equipment before the park opened.

Audit Maintenance


Pokeyland Park used our expertise to do a complete audit of the park. Amazone Adventure expert intervened on site to make an inventory.

A full report has been given to the park manager with our recommendations.

=> 3 years after construction, the park has not moved!

Find all our audits : here !

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De conformidad con las disposiciones de la Ley del n°78-17 de 6 de enero de 1978, usted dispone de un derecho de acceso de rectificación y oposición sobre los datos nominativos que le conciernen.