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Actualités Hay 2173 dias

Discover the “Criq’ Parc”, our new construction in Annecy (France) !

With an opening planned for April 6th, it is with great joy that we announce the end of the "Criq'Parc" project! Located at the edge of the Annecy Lake, this family-friendly park has a multitude of activities:

  • 2 rope course for kid with a total of 16 workshops,
  • A snake swing to accommodate up to 12 people simultaneously,
  • A sea net of 50m²,
  • 2 Ground Ziplines,
  • A tree house perched 5 meters high with a net chimney and a descent by toboggan !
  • Snake SwingCriq' Parc, Annecy, France.
  • Net pathCriq' Parc, Annecy, France.
  • Tree House and Chimney netCriq' Parc, Annecy, France.
  • Rope course for KidsCriq' Parc, Annecy, France.

For more information, we invite you to visit the website and Facebook page of the park "La crique"!

Contact details of the park :

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